MySQL Certification

My MySQL Certificate

Before, I had blogged about my forthcoming MySQL training at Ortigas City, Philippines. So after five whole days of 8-5 hands-on lectures and seatwork for every topic I got my certificate.

Here is my certificate for my MySQL training:
MySQl training course philippines certificate
My company sent me for the twenty thousand pesos worth of training, but what we actually just need is to have our current database to be migrated on MySQL platform. Honestly, we are using ms access (no reaction please) for our database, and since our need is rapidly expanding, ms access cannot handle our database demand.

Since MySQL is free, we decided to have a formal training on how to use it. With that, I got my MySQL training certificate.

But this training left me a question, if I have a MySQL certificate, does that mean that I'm a certified MySQL coder? Well, that is a thought I want to enjoy, don't you dare make a comment for this.


  1. The certificate you had just certifies that you successfully completed the Mysql Course with Active learning.
