Help To Become A Better Blog Platform | Product Ideas

Suggest And Vote Ideas To Make Become Better product ideas
I'm on a self hosted wordpress before, but I moved on for several reasons.
First, it is free - yeah, nothing came before this.
Second, it has all the basic - free templates, ads, not bad navigations, plus i can create post (whink!)
Third, it google's - brand name really matters nowadays.

So if you're like me who's also using blogger on their blog, do you know that we can take part on the improvements? yes you heard it right, google listens to us.

They enable us to submit our own ideas, and let users vote for it. I think that google will only notice those ideas and suggestions that has a significant numbers of votes. So make sure that your ideas are vote-able, or people really need or at least want it.

Anyway, just a tip before you go to the suggestion site. Compose your suggestion as short and as simple as possible. No one wants to read a long and complicated suggestions. Just say it straight, no premise or long example. I think one sentence is enough to send your ideas across your fellow blogger users.

And if you happen to come across these ideas, they are mine by the way, maybe you can consider voting them, here they are:

1.) I knew that google eyes for 200+ signals in ranking, give +1 points for blogger users!
2.) Make Name+URL a default option on comments
3.) Ability to create a meta description and meta keywords for each post, just like all-in-one-seo-pack of wordpress
4.) Make a contest for template developers in different categories, they will submit it to google and it will be included on official template list on blogger page.
5.) Enable adsense inside posts

So, go to Product Ideas For Blogger page and let them know your ideas, or at least make a vote.

1 comment :

  1. I agree that they should give priority on Blogger users so that they level with the SEO features of Wordpress. (Or else many bloggers will switch to Wordpress.)
