My First Adsense Earnings

My First Adsense Earnings Withdrawal Made Me Very Nervous

I'm very excited to blog this, my very first adsense earning withdrawal. I withdrew my google adsense earning via western union money payment. My adsense earning is just 145.37 US dollars, not that impressive but when you know that it came from your sweat then it's really something!

This photo on the left is me showing my western union received payment form. I am also holding my 100 dollars on the front and some five hundreds bills. The two tellers whom I told earlier that I will blog about this joked me to take them with me, so their they are. They also asked me to tag them on facebook.

Actually I should have withdrew my adsense earning as early as August 25 but I got confused when I saw the text "Adsense earnings will be finalized by September 10th". I thought that the 145.37 US dollars on my payment details can only be withdraw after September 10th. Researching about this, I have known that your adsense earnings is scheduled for withdrawal every last week of the next month.

Image on right shows that I can withdraw my adsense earnings on August 25, something that I overlooked.

I'm so nervous when me and my wife went to the western union, my hands are a little shaky when I was filling up the receive money form. It's not that I'm not sure that my withdrawal will be disapprove but it's just because it is my first time.

I can't explain why I am so nervous, but I'm sure that you'll experience it too when you receive yours on first time. Maybe it is called over excitement, that something great is about to happen.

I don't care if it's just 145 dollars, hey it's my first ever online income came into reality. Things like this really makes me motivated. So blogsphere, expect more from me!


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