Plugins | Blogspot

Free Plugins | Blogspot Blogs Widgets | Plugins for blogspot blogs

blogger plugins

1. Related Post Widget With Thumbnails
One of the most useful plugins for blogspot blogspot blogs. I am using this plugin for this blog, for more details, click here.

2. Google Buzz Share Count Button
Google Buzz users had been increasing these days, this plugin will show counter for the Buzz share button.

3. Top Commentators
Whether your blog has a lots of comments or even if you’re just still starting on blogging with few comments, this plugin is for you. Option for blogs with a many and few comments are available. Lure your visitors on commenting on your blog with this plugin.

4. Recent Post With Thumbnails< Just like “Related Post Widget Plugin With Thumbnails”, only that the items are your related posts. The items will be arranged vertically along with some details like posting date and number of comments for each posts.

5. Featured Content Slider created a featured content slider for A very neat way in showing your featured posts

6. Sociofluid – Social Bookmarking
A very useful widget to add social bookmarking animated icons for your blogspot blog.

7. Accordin
If you want your sidebar’s widgets to be in an accordion style, then this widget is for you. This will show or hide your blogspot blog’s sidebar widget.

8. Link To This Post
Increase your backlinks with this widget. The easiest widget to implement.

9. Random Rotating Banner
Wordpress has this, good news is, blogs made from can use this cool feature too. Very useful for your ads on your banner, just made your blog a better money maker.

10. Simple Blogger Tag Cloud – From the word itself, this plugin will show tag cloud for your blogspot blogs.

So that’s it! Use this widgets for free. Just remember that widgets are useful when not overdone, because too many widgets can slow down your blog, and it will hurt you in SEO side, especially on google’s eyes, so watch out.

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