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Vedio Song, vedeo song, vidio song collections are some of the targeted keyword by bloggers. Most of whom I knew doing this are my fellow local bloggers who had decided to bother throwing few words to compose an article in order to target this keywords.

Why you'd ask? They said that picture speaks a thousands words, but in these case it is 104,800 in current count. Here's my speaker:

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Isn't that figure enough to target this keyword. Of course you can't harvest them all. The odds the searchers will click you page and the current competition are some few backdrop factors. But what I can think of is that I might get some few chunks of this huge traffic. With that reason, who wouldn't want to join the game? It wouldn't hurt me right?

But if you think that's all, as I have said earlier, the figure you're looking above is the current traffic these hitload keyword is giving. Let us take a look to the google trends to see what in store for bloggers like me. And here is my second spokes person:

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Where are these traffic came from? That's actually the best part here. Like every website and blogger's owners, we love visitors coming from abroad, simply because it credit more on our statistics. And targetting these keywords is just right for me, because the visitors who are using these keywords are mostly coming from arabic countries. Here's a detailed report from google trend:

Now, wasn't that great? Competition is healthy, join us for the campaign!


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