President Aquino SONA 2014 - English Transcript

Philippine President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III had delivered his State Of the Nation Address, SONA 2014, before the the members of the House of Representative, the Philipine Senate and to his "bosses" via a televised aircast.

The fifth and the second to the last SONA of President Aquino was attended by the congressmen, senates, other political figures and dignitaries and was also witnessed by million of Filipinos here and abroad on television & radio channels as well as on the internet.

President Aquino's SONA 2014 lasted less than an hour excluding the time the applauses consumed. According to Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr., this year's SONA has a conversational format because the chief executive wants the Filipino masses to understand clearly the message of his speech.

Last year's SONA also lasted around 45 minutes including applauses and video footage of testimonials of ordinary people.

Wearing a Paul Cabral barong Tagalog, the president was joined by his sisters Maria Elena “Ballsy” Aquino-Cruz, Aurora Corazon “Pinky” Aquino-Abellada, Victoria Elisa “Viel” Aquino-Dee and actress Kris Aquino.

Aside from his siblings, the president was also joined by all of his cabinet members.

The English Transcript of President Aquino's SONA 2014 will be updated after this line as soon as we are done with it.


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