Reaction Paper SONA 2014 - President Aquino

Here is the Technical Report or Reaction Paper for SONA 2014 of Philippine President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III.

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Reaction Paper / Technical Report SONA 2014 - Philippine President Benigno Aquino III

Philippine President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III had delivered his State Of the Nation Address for the fifth time on July 28, 2014 before the member of the congress, the senate, other political figures and dignitaries as well as to his "bosses", both watching on the hall of congress as well as to those who are glued on the television and radio channels.

This year's SONA was indeed being monitored by millions of Filipinos here and abroad amid many economic and political issues this country has been experiencing. It can be recalled that the Philippine are currently in the middle of PDAF-DAP controversies that jolt the political world of the country, dragging big names down to the jail.

Calamities that brought the Philippines to international attention were also one of the major factor that leads Filipino in questioning the hope that the president instill on us from his last SONA.

On the SONA, the president said that the government services was improved without increasing the taxes on the country, excluding sin taxes - which was increased to lessen the vices of our countrymen.

The president also stated that the Philippine funds had increased due to the proper implementation of tax collection by the government through the Bureau of Internal Revenue. From 1.094 trillion pesos collected from 2010, the government had able to collect 1.536 trillion in 2013.

With the various economic growth, President Aquino had also broke the news that the next year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit or APEC Summit will be held here on our country, another proof that the country is indeed again on the center stage for international business.

In regards to the Philippine infrastructure, the president boasted that the country had more than doubled the funds for infrastructure. From 200.3 billion on 2011, the government had now allotted 404.3 billion pesos on nationwide projects.

There are more things that the president had mentioned during his speech, and I guess that they are too many to mention. But one thing that I noticed is that the most powerful man in the country had directly talk off the issues that were taboo from the last administrations like the issues of kotong on the government and had also laid facts supported by tangible records that supports to the government's claim of an improving country, not much like the worthless bangkang papel story of the other regime on their SONA.

Watching the militant's rally during the SONA, I can say that the saying "you cannot please everybody" is indeed true, but as I see and feel it, I am more far confortable on this administration in compare to anyother who came before it.