Miriam Santiago Talks About Her Lung Cancer

Senator Miriam Santiago updated the media about her lung cancer on a press breifing after she walked out from the Senate committee hearing on Commission on Appointment earlier today, September 10, 2014 - Wednesday.

After answering few questions about her walking out from the senate hearing, press people had ask her about her current condition. It can be recalled that the lady senator had publicly informed the country about her stage 4 lung cancer.
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago said that she has been recovering well from her illness with the help of a wonder pill that she is currently taking.

The lady senator further informed the press people that the eighty percent, 80%, of the tumor on her left lung has been removed after six weeks of medication.

However, the fearless politician revealed that she continues to experience bleeding, muscle pain, depression and even blurred vision.

Notably, in direct contradiction to her previous interview from the time that the cancer was not yet diagnosed on her, she seems that she is now a believer of God.

"My attitude is one of total surrender and resignation to the will of God," - the changed senator said.

However, it looks like her God wasn't as meek as we expect it to be after she said something about the middle finger.

"As for all those jerks in government who are my enemies, I repeat, they are the reason why God created the middle finger," - the senator added.

"Only my body is sick of cancer, not my brain. Unlike other people who have brain cancers and continue to hold public office," - Miriam Santiago added further.


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