Miriam Santiago Names Running Mate On 2016 Presidential Election

Senator Miriam Santiago has been really very vocal about her plan on running on the presidential seat on the 2016 national election.

Earlier today, September 10, 2014 - Wednesday, after she walked out from the Senate committee hearing on Commission on Appointment, the lady senator had named her possible running mate on a brief press conference.
Should she recover from her stage 4 lung cancer, the senator had firmly told the media that she will be running as a president of the Philippines and she had already told the press who could be her vice president.

Several names had been mentioned including Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, former Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro or Senator Grace Poe as her possible running-mate.

Who is her first pick?

The fearless senator said she had always wanted Duterte to be her running-mate if ever she runs for president on the 2016 poll.

"Oh, I would love to run with Rudy Duterte whom I have always loved from the very beginning but he himself said he will not run for public office although I don't know if we can change his mind," - she said on the press conference.

She added that the Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte would become a perfect vice president because the country has two major problems, and that are corruption and peace and order.

Aside from Duterte, Miriam Santiago also noted Grace Poe as a good choice.

"Maybe we can have two women running together, president and vice-president. How about that, ladies? Maybe it's Miriam and Grace. It just sounds like a restaurant," - she laughly said.

"Miriam and Grace sounds so charming," she added.

So, Miriam Santiago for president, anyone voting?


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