Whitney Houston Died, Drug Related ?

Whitney Houston was found dead by his bodyguard on her hotel, what's the cause of her death? reports said...

Whitney Houston Found Dead

Whitney Houston Died

Whitney Houston Died, February 2012

We can still remember the bad jokes about Whitney Houston's death, worsting singing voice and declining career that can be read and heard from many places.

However, a recent news about the award-winning singer who most know with "I Will Always Love You" song was found dead last Saturday at a hotel on Beverly Hills, California is nothing to laugh about.

Despite resuscitation efforts, Lieutenant Mark Rosen - a police spokesman said that the entertainer was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. (6:55 Eastern Time). The police official also clarified that there were "no obvious signs of criminal intent" on her death. The death however is still subject for investigation as it is a standard operating procedure (SOP) to any high profile death like Michael Jackson's.

According to publicists Courtney Barnes, Houston body was found by her bodyguard - who reported the incident to authorities.

The cause of the death is still officially unannounced. However, it is an open fact that Whitney Houston has been struggling with drug addiction for years. A problem that she admitted on her interview last 2002.

Her declining health, especially in regards to her singing voice was first became obvious on her live performances for her 2009 comeback album "I Look To You". Observers even said that the damage to her voice was beyond repair.

But the complain became worst when her audience on her 2012 concert titled "Nothing But Love World Tour" got angry and demanded a refund. The spectators said that Houston was no fit to sing live.

Whitney Houston was 48.

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