Xpango Review | Xpango A Scam Or Legit ?

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Xpango Review

xpango review legit scam

Is Xpango A Scam Or Legitimate

From time to time, I am receiving spam emails on my inbox. Most often than not, these spams are filtered out by my server but this particular email made its way to my inbox.

It appears that the spammer had sent me a link to a certain website where I was promised to received electronics gadgets - the latest iPhone, iPad, iPod, xbox, LED monitor and etc. These free electronic gadgets was said to be sent to your door free of charge.

The first thing that came to my mind about the legitimacy of this online promo is that this is really something good to be true.

Anyways, being aware that my computer is equipped with my trustworthy anti virus, I didn't clicked the referral link but type on the actual home address on my web browser - xpango.com.

My impression to the actual website is that it is really pretty neat and it looks like a website that is done professionally. Looking my alexa rank and PR rank plugin made the website to have gained my trust too, as its alexa rank is 65,051 and has a PR rank of 3 - pretty impressive.

Browsing further, I discovered that you just need to refer someone to earn credit points and after earning enough credit points, you'll gonna get your free gift items.

Pretty simple indeed especially knowing that the only thing you need to do is to post that referral link of yours, they will click it and register to xpango website.

But let's go back to the question - is xpango a scam of legit ? Here's a little xpango review for your reference.

The website clearly stated that you can only earn points when your referred friends will complete a free xpango offers or purchase a clix package.

Refer you friends and earn Credits, its simple! Receive a Credit everytime a person you refer activates their Xpango account (activation occurs when your friend completes a Free Xpango Offer or purchases a Clix Package)

Well, that's it. You cannot earn credits by just referring someone. Your referred friends must complete a free xpango offer - do not be decieve by this, the only thing that is free is the offer itself and not the item that is being offered or if the referred friend will purchase a clix package.

Either way, your referred friend needs to buy something in order for you to earn credits.

So again, is xpango a scam or legit ?

It may be a legitimate website but you must keep something in mind that they need to sell something in order for them to give some fraction of the profit.

Meaning that they must earn first before you can, just as simple as that.


  1. If you like Xpango you'll also like http://locallyreferred.com/member/6585/referred

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