Ford To Close Philippine Plant

Ford Philippine plant was announced to close at the end of this year...

Ford's Philippine Plant Will Close

Ford Philippines Plant close Laguna

Ford Philippines Announced To Close

Ford Philippine plant in Laguna had been announced to close its operation on the country.

The official announcement said that the assembly plant will be close at the end of this year. According to Fords Philippines, 360 jobs will be loss as a part of their reconstruction plant on Asia.

The decision will leave our country with no other motor vehicle exporter, since Ford is the only motor vehicle exporter of our country.

The announcement was made by Ford Philippines President Randy Krieger.

Digging the history, FOrd Philippines had exported more than 80,000 vehicle units accross THailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, which was said to worth about $1 billion.

Ford Philippines started operation on the country on 1999.


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