Online Pasyon

Filipino Pasyon Is Now Online

online pasyon

Pasyon tradition can now be access online

Pasyon is a a narrative oratory tradition here in the Philippines where normally heard and performed during holy week. It narrates the passion, suffering and resurrection of Christ usually done be Catholics.

It is usually read in booklet style pamphlets by aged people.

But today, where everything seems to have their computer version, Philippine pasyon can be heard and accessed online.

The goal is to give the young generation an exposure to the Catholic tradition that lived for many hundreds of years. Also, overseas Filipino workers, which were counted for about nine million, about one tenth of Philippine population will have a convenient access to the Philippine catholic tradition.

The great thing about it is that you can hear it yourself, as it came with an audio version. Now youngsters can know how can this tradition is really done.

Also, non catholic can use the website for educational purposes.

Visita Iglesia's version, has all 21 chapters of the prayer sung by an unidentified group of singers Philippines' native language, Filipino, with a guitar accompanying them.

See it at:


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