CDR King Shipping Services | CDRKING | CD-R KING

Does CD-R KING facilitates shipping services?
How to ship your items from CDR KING?

These are some of the questions that we want to answer.

Sure CD-R King store is almost on all malls, but for any reason that you want yours to be ship, we can to that for you.

So if you are looking for on how to have your items be ship on your location, we are the answer to that.

Here's the procedure.

1.) Look for your items online at
2.) Send us the url of your item at, tell us your complete address too.
3.) We will see if your item is available on the actual stock
4.) We will inform your selected item is available and we will inform you the shipping fee based on your location.
5.) items will be charged on the computation below:

FEE = Original price of the item + Shipping fee (Air21 or LBC) + 100 pesos or 5% of the items (whichever is higher)

6.) we will send you the tracking number, items are expected to be receive within 1-2 working days.

Should you have any questions, feel free to send us a query at

Thank you!


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