Joseph Erap Estrada Eyes Manila Mayor In 2013

Joseph "Erap" Estrada had formally announced his plan to run for Manila Mayor on 2013 election...

Joseph Estrada - Erap To Bet For Manila Mayor In 2013

Joseph Estrada Erap Mayor Manila 2013

Erap To Run As Mayor In Manila On 2013

Joseph Ejercito Estrada or simply Erap had formally announced his plan to run on as Mayor on Manila on the upcoming 2012 election.

Erap made the announcement earlier today, May 10, 2012, after he trasferred his voter's registration to Manila on Commission on Elections (Comelec). He further revealed that he will be teaming-up with Isko Moreno as his vice-mayor.

To make the voter's residence official, Estrada moved to Sampaloc, Manila from San Juan City where he also served as the city mayor.

To start the election heat, Erap said that Manila's growth is very disappointing compared to the neighboring cities like Quezon City, Makati and even San Juan. Joseph Estrada said that Manila needs a complete urban renewal.

Isko Moreno, the incumbent vice-mayor of Manila also had expressed disappointment against his former ally.

It can be recalled that Alfredo Lim served as an Interior Secretary under Estrada's presidency. Lim then left Estrada's Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino ticket and moved to Aquino's Liberal Party.

Last, presidential election, Joseph Erap Estrada placed in second and even beat Villar on the presidential election. Is that a sign that he will win this seat in a landslide?

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