Send Text Message, SMS For Free - Philippines

Want to send free sms wherever in the Philippines?...

Send Text Message, SMS For Free - Philippines

Free Website Service - SMS Philippines

Two close friends of mine teamed-up to create a website that let users to send text messages or sms for free in the Philippines.

We've actually been talking about this for quite some time now, and it's so nice that everything had finally materialized.

I told them that I will be featuring them on my blog in case they made the site online, hey dudes, here it is (whink!).


They said that that the domain name is a jejemon term for "Text Po", hence - txtpow.

The website is already about three weeks old already.

According to my friends, the traffic mostly came from abroad, where U.S. is the top users. This is really a great service for our kababayans overseas as regular text message across country is a little expensive.

The site is only supported with ads, which enable to finance the maintenance cost.

So if you want to send text messages / sms for free, without any hidden charges, no sign-ups and no limit, use!


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