Homeless Man With Golden Radio Voice - Yahoo

Homeless Man With Golden Radio Voice From Yahoo

ted williams

Ted Williams Radio Voice

Yahoo.com doesn't do this very much, featuring youtube videos on their main page. But not this time, when they saw Ted Williams video story on youtube.com doing his self proclaimed "Golden Radio Voice", the video is uploaded by ritchey's channel.

Before we go any further, watch Ted's video

The video currently have a 2,758,284 views to be exact and it is only uploaded last January 03, 2011, that's two days ago.

Ritchey on the update on his youtube channel said that Ted has a formal interview today on a radio station. Ritchey is telling everyone to standby for his follow-up updates about Ted.

I'M PRAYING THAT THIS GUY GETS A JOB! -- is the comment on the youtube video who has the most LIKE, mine included.

On of the commenter even said that this year 2011 will be a big year for him.

Nice one, we wish you all the best Ted.

ted williams yahoo

Above is Ted Williams' sign board while waiting at Hudson/I-71, hoping for the motorists' loose change.


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