Willing Willie Novaliches Traffic

Willing Willie TV5 Show Causes Traffic At Novaliches

willing willie traffic novaliches

Traffic disaster caused by Willing Willie show

Yesterday, a bunch of police men in full riot-like gear went to Novaliches' most traffic area, at front Willing Willie studio aimed to control the traffic caused by Willing Willie long human lines.

These hopeful persons all wanting to become one of the studio contestants on Willing Willie were numbered to about eight thousands according to Willie Revillame himself.

Ignoring the heat, the rain and even the danger on the street, these hopeful persons pushes themselves and patiently falling inline along the very road of Novaliches causing untolerable traffic for the motorists.

With the police's action, the Willing Willie staffs were alarmed, causing Mr. Willie Revillame to announce the stoppage of the line for the studio contestants starting today. Revillame said that studio contestants has been long booked and falling back online will be announce again.

This is a very good news for the residents and motorists of Novaliches city.


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