President Noynoy Pnoy Aquino New Car Porsche

President Noynoy PNoy Aquino's New Car - A Porsche

noynoy new car porsche

President Noynoy PNoy's new porsche car

Philippines president Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino got himself a new toy last christmas - a porsche.

It has been reported that the president's new car is worth 4.5 million pesos, though his new porsche car is a second hand unit, where most part of it came from the money when he sold his BMW car he bought two years ago just to get this porsche car.

Shortly after he got his new porsche car, it has been reported that, President Noynoy PNoy went to the Clark International Speedway last December 26, there is a two kilometer private track at the Clark Freeport race car enthusiasts test drive their toys.

This is really a brave move made by a president, since he should be aware that all acquisitions that he will make will not escape public scrutiny. He's not guilty of anything - that's one message of this acquisition, I believe.

Disclaimer: I just got the picture on this article on a chain email, if you knew who originally owns this photo, please feel free to post it on a comment.


  1. this is a f*ckn fake photo.. its edited and its obvious

  2. I just got this from an email, but thank you for the information.
