DILG Undersecretary Rico Puno Resigns

DIL Usec Rico Puno Resigns

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Puno Resigns From DILG Post

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Undersecretary Rico Puno resigns from his post as announced earlier today, September 11, 2012 - Tuesday.

His involvement on an anomalous billion pesos firearms deal may have prompted the resignation. Puno however said that he stepped down to give way to incoming DILG Secretary Manuel Roxas III the freedon to select his own team for the agency.

Puno's resignation letter was already accepted by the President according to Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda. The resignation letter was further detailed to have submitted to Executive Secretary Pacquito Ochoa as early as last Friday.

Is Puno cured from the billion-peso deal allegations after resigning?

No, he's not. Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago said on a television interview (TV Patrol) that as per constitution, no government official will be immuned on any case after resigning.

Well, resigning is one way to show that you are not a "kapal-muks" official like what happened to the ousted Chief Justice (Though we don't say that being accused means being guilty), since resigning will significantly widthraw any influence that you have if you're still on the position. But proving his innocence could take time before the eyes of the whole nation.

It's billions of pesos that we are talking in here, we hope that the senate can unearth who's behind this greedy deal. Let they be punish to prevent any further attempt that other official might have been planning.

Let's make this a better nation to live with.

UPDATE: Below is the official statement of Rico Puno regaring his resignation.
“When the President asked me to serve in the DILG, he emphasized that we need to strengthen the institution so that our uniformed personnel will become truly servants and protectors of our people. For the past two years, I have carried out specific assignments in accordance with the President’s mandate.

We have introduced reforms to ensure full transparency of procurement and bidding processes. We have streamlined these processes to achieve the President’s objective of getting “the biggest bang for the buck” in providing basic equipment for enabling our uniformed personnel to perform their tasks effectively.

I believe that I have carried out my assigned duties to the best of my ability.

Moving forward, I have resigned as DILG Undersecretary to support the President’s decision to give a free hand to the incoming Secretary in forming a new team.

I wish to thank President Aquino for his trust and confidence in giving me the opportunity to serve our country and people.”


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