What Is MRTtrackr ? MRTTrackr Review

MRTTrackr - Android IOS App


So what is MRTTrackr?

MRTTrackr is a smartphone application created by Ryan Escarez, currently available for android users, we haven't seen any version for IOS yet though.

According to the official website's definition:

MRTTrackr is a mobile application that helps you track the mass rapid transit here in the Philippines (MRT, LRT-1, LRT-2). Passengers may contribute real time info regarding the MRT which can be shared to others. With the help of the MRTTrackr, passengers can travel with ease by getting information provided by the app such as their train itenerary & the estimated crowd on each station.

Here are the official features of this controversial app.
  • Helps you find the nearest train station within your area
  • Provides you with your train itinerary
  • Notifies you when you have arrived at the destination of your choice with voice alert notification
  • Provides you the estimated crowdedness in the train station of your choice
  • Provides up-to-date news and information that is relevant to the public
This app is really ambitious in giving free services to its users. With the benefits it promises, many Filipinos had already tried to install the app on their android devices.

Unfortunately, we haven't found any single person who made the app working. Below are some of the remarks from google play.

0 would be a better rate
Can't log in. Been waiting for forever. Unistalling this
-from user kat

VERY POOR! Unlike!
user not found on beta list! I registered last 2weeks im still not on the LIST! CMON!!
-from user robert

Samsung galaxy s3
cant log in... its totally useless. uninstall!!!!
-from user Angel

Well, the app is still on beta. Beta simply means that the creator(s) can't assure users for a bug free system. Beta version preceeds stable version. This app however is still useless as of now.

Some users however are still optimistic with this application.

"Too early to rate" -said user Kym.

This app will surely help many Filipinos, we hope that the creator could use the comments to fix the bugs.

More power sir Ryan!

UPDATE: Below are the screenshots from google play.


  1. Was the expectation too high?
    naaah, just make a working app.
