Online Application For PNP - NAPOLCOM Entrance And Promotional Exam

The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) PNP Entrance and Promotional exam schedule has been moved from February to March March 4-15 (for the entrance exam) and March 18-28 (for the promotional exam).

March 4-15, 2013 = PNP Entrance Exam
March 18-28, 2013 = PNP Promitional Exam

Relatively, the actual examination date has also been moved from April 29 to May 26, 2013.

April 1-30, 2013 = Processing of Examination Applications
May 29, 2013 = Date of Examination

How to apply online for the PNP entarnce examination?

Unfortunately, The On-Line Exam Application Scheduling System (OLEASS) which was used last year is still inaccessible as of this posting.

The OLEASS is suppose to be the most convinient way of applying for the PNP examination as it prevents applicants to have their application file by physically going there, avoding troublesome procedures and long queues. We will update this post as soon as the link become available.

For the meantime, here are the requirements for the exam.

For PNP Entrance Exam:
  1. printed letter-reply confirming the scheduled appointment,
  2. duly accomplished form (Napolcom Form 1-A) and Index card provided by the office,
  3. three recent and identical 1”x1” colored ID pictures with white background and with complete name tag,
  4. examination fee of P400,
  5. one legal-sized window envelope with P12 worth of mailing stamps,
  6. applicant’s transcript of scholastic records or diploma, and
  7. authenticated birth certificate
  8. Dress code: plain white t-shirt (with or without collar) or white polo shirt, dark pants and shoes

For PNP Promotional Exam:
  1. printed letter-reply confirming the scheduled appointment,
  2. duly accomplished form (Napolcom Form 1-A) and Index card provided by the office,
  3. two recent and identical 1”x1” colored ID pictures with white background and with complete name tag,
  4. examination fee (P400 for the Police Officer Exam, P450 for Senior Police Officer exam, P500 for the Police Inspector exam and P600 for the Police Superintendent examination).
  5. one legal-sized window envelope with P12 worth of mailing stamps,
  6. certified true copy of attested appointment,
  7. plantilla appointment or absorption order, and
  8. report of rating/certification issued by the Napolcom Central office, CSC Certificate of Eligibility and/or PRC Board certificate.
  9. Dress code: a GOA Type B or patrol shirt

Also, embedded below is the NAPOLCOM Form 1-A Examination Form:

Entrance Exam Examination / Application Form, [download it here]

Promotional Exam Examination / Application Form, [download it here]

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