Ping Lacson Is Back

Senator Panfilo Ping Lacson Is Back

ping lacson is back

Ping Lacson is back on the Philippines

I wrote a post asking Where Is Ping Lacson before, but now, he's here at our country again - confirmed!

After hiding for over 14 months to escape arrest by being tagged as the mastermind in the Dacer-Corbito double murder case.

Philippine senator Ping Lacson arrived at the Cebu City airport earlier this day at around 11:42 AM aboard Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong. He used a private plane going to Manila and later arrived at around 6:40 PM.

Why did he back?

Rumors said that he found someone who can protect him from this particular case in exchange for his absolute loyalty.

Now what was that all about ?

Is there any truth in that ?

What do you think ?

1 comment :

  1. sus, pulitika.
    kampihan, hanapan ng kakampi.
