J.K. Rowling's Announcement On Youtube

J.K. Rowling's Announcement On Youtube

j.k. rowling youtube announcement

pottermore.com linked to a youtube announcement

The author of the popular book Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, is about to make an announcement on youtube. Her launched website pottermore.com shows nothing but a two owl on each sides with just a text that reads "POTTERMORE Coming Soon" and the author's signature, links to a youtube page.

The exclusive youtube page features a countdown timer which leads on June 23, 2011. The youtube page of J.K. Rowling was decorated with a nearly dead tree, a purple sky and the owls which keeps adding up until the countdown expires.

Todate, the animated owls are numbered to eleven, the youtube page reads 'The owls are gathering... Find out why soon' , the main part of the youtube page where the owls are gathering are done in a flash animation.

The youtube channel is currently has a total views of 1,434,941 which was created last May 31, 2011.

A Twitter account, twitter.com/Pottermore, has also been set up. As of today, it already had exactly 55,923 followers as of this writing, that is despite of having two tweet updates only. "Looks like the owls are getting ready to deliver some exciting news," reads the latest tweet.

Rowling's spokeswoman, Rebecca Salt, said on an interview: "There is a holding page up at the moment. It is a new project and not a new book and it's not directly related to the film.

"We are not saying anything more at the moment." - Salt added.

The youtube page that tells about J.K. Rowling's announcement had became popular with the aid of networking sites like facebook and twitter.



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