Director Tikoy Aguiluz On Asiong Salonga Story Controversy

Asiong Salonga Story's director Tikoy Aguiluz demanded his name be remove on the movie's credit, why? see full story here...

Director Tikoy Aguiluz Wanted His Name Be Remove In Asiong Salonga Movie

Director Tikoy Aguiluz Asiong Salonga

Direk Tikoy Aguiluz On Asiong Salonga Movie

First, Director Tikoy Aguiluz told it to the public that his movie "Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story" had finally made it to the Metro Manila Film Festival. Laguna Governor Jorge "ER" Ejercito also expressed his joy to the media after the Asiong Salonga did qualified as an official MMFF entry.

Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story - is a remake of Philippines' former president, Joseph "Erap" Estrada that's why the film was shot in a full black and white scene.

However, just after qualifying, Director Tikoy Aguilus had demanded that his name as the director be remove on the film's credit. Aguiluz elobarated tat he is requesting that his name be deleted on all promotional materials of the Asiong Salonga Story movie which includes print ads and on digital promotions. It appeared that the movie was edited without his knowledge, the very grounds why DIrector Tikoy Aguiluz described the movie as not his.

He further demanded thathe'll be provided with the director's cut of the movie. DIrector's cut is mandatory given to the film's director which they can use in joining international festivals.

Director Aguiluz threaten to file civil and criminal charges if his demands are not met.

The ‘Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story,’ is an entry in this month’s Metro Manila Film Festival, lead by Governor ER Ejercito and Carla Abellana. It is produced by Sc-enema Concepts International.

Now, we are thinking, is this claim real or was it just a media stir?


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