Operation Put The Little Girl To Sleep

Operation Put The Little Girl To Sleep, A Threat To Gloria Arroyo's Life?

operation put little girl to sleep

Gloria Arroyo's Death Threat

The news about the former Philippine President and now Pampanga congresswoman, Gloria Arroyo, had been continuing to roll as stories about her develop in a fast turns. Yesterday, the official spokesperson of Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Elena Bautista-Horn, told the media of a possible threat on the life of GMA.

Elena Bautista-Horn even pinpointed the main suspect on where did the death threat came from. According to her they got the news from a certain government agency a few days ago about the so-called Operation Put The Little Girl To Sleep which was plotted and aimed to take the life of Gloria Arroyo. She said that it was the Aquino administration who are planning to kill her boss - Gloria Arroyo.

Bautista-Horn said that the first step for this plot is the government pushing the former president to stay on the government hospital.

"May mga nagsumbong na naman po sa amin na nasa administrasyon ngayon na may mga masamang balakin. Mayroon sila ngayong operation called ‘Put The Little Girl To Sleep.’ Ni-report na po sa amin ‘yan kaya kami ay nababahala kasi nakikita naman natin kung gaano ang insistence ni [Justice] Secretary [Leila] de Lima at [Comelec] Chairman [Sixto] Brillantes na ang dating Pangulo ay iligay sa government hospital," -the Arroyo's camp spokesperson said.

According to the source of GMA's camp, the former president should be careful in the food that will be serve to her on the veteran's hospital as well as to the medications that will be given to her. The spokesperson said that the source of this information is very reliable so their camp decided to share it to the media.

The administration on the other hand laugh on the news spreaded by the Arroyo's camp.

Department of Budget and Management Secretary Butch Abad dismissed the Put The Little Girl To Sleep allegations and called it "absurd".

"That is so absurd. Natatawa nga ako diyan eh. It’s a complete fabrication. It’s a sure sign of desperation. A futile scheme to distract people’s attention away from the serious charges of lying, cheating and stealing that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is currently trying to escape from," -Butch Abad said on an interview with ANC.

Abad further said that the camp of the former president has becoming desperate in trying to evade the charges against her.

"They’ve been trying all sorts of maneuvering and schemes, including lying to try and evade all these serious charges that people are waiting to her confront. To this day, they have not succeeded in confusing the people so now they are the ones who are confused," Abad said.

"I think they ran out of medical and legal excuses to prevent Arroyo from being detained in a government hospital or any government facility where she belongs. That is the pure and simple reason," Abad added.

What's The Palace Reaction Regarding The News?

Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda on an interview last Wednesday also denied the accusation from the Arroyo's camp and said that it was nothing but a plot to publicly convince the entire country that a government hospital arrest is not suitable for the former president.

Philippine President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III on a separate interview had also challenge the Arroyo's camp to give evidence that such rumor really exists.


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