Sinulog Festival 2012 Photos & Videos

Collections of 2012 Sinulog Festival photos and videos,

Sinulog Festival 2012 - Photos And Videos, Philippines

Sinulog Festival 2012 Philippines

The highlight of Cebu's Celebration - Sinulog Festival was blessed with a scotching sun that gave the devotees a nice weather to keep the entrire celebration on schedule.

Here are the photos and videos of the 2012 Sinulog Festival that we have collected, all photos and videos are properly credited of their respective owners.

Article Writing Services can inspire fitting captions for the photos.

Sinulog Festival according to the devotees means as the "Dance Of Prayers" which also commemorates the Cebuano's pagan origin and their acceptance of Roman Catholicism. Sinulog Festival is a celebration that lasts for nine days which ends on a Sinulog Festival Grand Parade on its last day.

According to reports, the Philippine President Benigno Nonoy PNoy Aquino III had attended the this year's Sinulog Festival.

Below are the photos and videos for Sinulog Festival 2012.

Photo and video credits: FestivalQueen01, sunnexdesk, and


  1. The Sinulog is always a fun event that locals and tourists always look forward too. I love the colors of their costumes. This is one of my favorite festivals in the Philippines.

  2. The Sinulog festival is one of the grandest, most distinguished and most colorful festivals in the Philippines.
