Download And Install Firesheep | Fire Sheep

How To Download And Install Firesheep For Firefox

how to download and install firesheep

Firesheep - firefox plugin

This post is for educational / information purposes only. This will only proves that using a public access point has its risk of exposing your online accounts.

So if you too want to prove that this works, then here's an article for you on how to download and install firesheep for firefox.

First, firesheep creator said that the firesheep works because the cookie used by unsecured websites are broadcasted publicly when you're on a public internet source. Cookies by the way is a file used by the websites to store your login session for them to lookup if a user is currently login or not while that user is requesting webpages from them.

That means that the cookies that has your login session for a particular website can be used anytime, given that an application can steal and use it discreetly. And yes, you're right, that is what this firefox plugin is intended to do.

Is it legal ?
Is it hacking ?
Is it immoral ?

Now, this post is not intended to determine if this application is bad or not. The thing is, a normal person without any hacking skills can be converted to become someone who can open others account. So you decide, but you're not here to know that right?

Whatever, let's start downloading and installing that very hot trending firefox plugin, the firesheep.

In order for it to run in windows operating system, you need to install WinPcap first.

* Download Winpcap and run the executable.
* Follow the instructions on the screen. The installation applet will automatically detect the operating system and will install the correct drivers.
* The WinPcap-based applications are now ready to work.

Next, having Winpcap, you are now ready to install Firesheep:

* Download Firesheep from the official website.
* In your Firefox, click Tools > Add-ons; a pop-up window will appear.
* Drag firesheep-0.1-1.xpi into that window.
* Restart your Firefox. After installing the extension you'll see a new sidebar. If you can't see it, go to View > Sidebar and select Firesheep.

There you go, firesheep is now installed on your computer.
Now, in order to test this if it really works without violating any rights, get two computer and connect it using your home internet. On the first computer, login you your facebook account, on the other computer where the firesheep is installed open facebook. The computer number two should open the facebook account used on the computer number one.

Having known this, here are some useful advice for not getting your own account being hacked.

1.) Never use open public wifi signal when accessing unsecured websites like most networking sites.
2.) If you have your own wifi signal, set the encryption to WPA and do not use WEP as firesheep can still steal the cookie over this.
3.) If you're a business individual, you may want to consider to use VPN to prevent firesheep-like from sniffing on to your computer.

This statement came from the official website of firesheep.
A Firefox extension that demonstrates
HTTP session hijacking attacks.


  1. thanks for this. i saw this on a friend and he showed me that it is really working. i was shocked about the privacy of those who doesn't even know this thing exists.

    think i should try it on my netbook this week.

  2. Now we need a firesheet detection software to freeze the intruding computer.

  3. yeah, i think this thing really is called firesheet, they just mispelt it. but come to think of it, at least the website will now be force to have a more secure login, the thing they should have done from day one.

  4. so i can open an account with this. you can mess with it but that's all you can do right? because you can not really steal the account because you can't see the password.

    am i right there?

  5. i gess you could change the password some how. what should i do if it says invalid interface? pls help

  6. when i download it and try to install it it gives me the following sentence :-
    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

    please help,

  7. Right click on your downloaded firesheep file----> OPEN then scroll to your Program Files folder to firefox.exe and click on it to open the extension. Then restart firefox. Click View-->Sidebar-->Firesheep to open firesheep in Sidebar.

    This program should not be used to hack. Its purpose is to demonstrate the need for better security. It's a pity however because you can say bye-bye to poaching off someone else's wi-fi signal... like when you are driving through some town and need a connection to check your mail.

  8. what version of firefox i must have to open this extension?? i have the same problem,when i download it,it is packed in a compressed file..i uncompress it the open it..the same problem addition i have windows 7 and firefox 3.6 and downloaded winpcap also..i tried what you wrote also but its same same...nothing happened

  9. cool ill hack ever bodys thing now. but there is another thing called
    chinaman facebook hacker and it shows u the password but it takes 2-5 hours to hack (may varie depending on the pass word length) go check it out

  10. it only works on my pc

  11. -------------------------

  12. Hello, i have a problem, i cant see
    the list of my friends, i see a message
    "invalid interface". How can i correct it???
    help....thanks :D :S

  13. what version of firefox do you need cuz i downloaded everything necessary and dragged firesheep into my add ons manager and it said firesheep was not compatible with firefox 9.0.1

  14. it doesnt work with firefox 6.0.1 either ! what version of firefox do i need?

  15. Any answers as to what versions of Firefox Firesheep works with???

  16. hy guys plz tell me how hack account

  17. I can't find the file ?
