Won ! Won A .COM Domain And A One Full Year Of Web Hosting

i won jehzlau concepts contest

A one year web hosting and a .com domain was awarded by Jehzlau's Concepts Contest

Techpinas did introduced the contest to me, showing his own entry for Jehzlau Concept's Free LED Video Board Ad Contest worth Php. 150,000.00. So I also created my own entry for the contest, simply because the grand prize is so irresistable.

Imagine a worth of Php. 150K prize? Now who wouldn't going to join that kind of contest? Most especially when everything you need to do is to tell on why do you think you deserves the grand prize, isn't that easy? And joining the contest is absolutely f-r-e-e.

The grand prize will let you have your 10 seconds video ad to be shown on Edsa-Guadalupe LED video board for four to six times per day for a full month period. Yeah, now get back that dropped jaw of yours.

Anyway, I didn't won the grand prize, but I was one of the winners of the consolation prize. It looks like all of the other participants aside from the grand prize winners were given the consolation prize. But we are not aware that there are consolation prize before joining the contest.

The thing is, the consolation prize that I won seems like another major prize to me. But I know that it is really just a consolation prize for Jehzlau, knowing him on giving a LIFETIME web hosting as a prize for one of his contest, wasn't that ridiculous?

I just emailed Jehzlau for the details of my selected domain last night. I'll be updating this post as soon as he replied to my email.

A free .COM domain and a full one year web hosting, here I come... wooot !

Thanks again to Jehzlau and to Black Friday Deals !

UPDATE: After five minutes of publishing this post, Jehzeel Laurete emailed me back with the message:

Got it. I'll process ur domain later :)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

I'll be back with more updates!

All of the doubts were totally erased! Jehzeel of had already given me the domain of my choice in my full control, paid in full year.

What I mean in full control is that he even really bothered transferring the domain on my account, which means that there's is no doubt that he will really give the free domain to me, and he just did.

Honestly, I'm a bit doubtful, okay... really doubtful I mean, I'm really doubtful if the one year free domain and the web hosting is really free before. But not now, since he already transferred it on my own account.

Here's the complete tale of this one year domain and web hosting transfer.

First, I searched where did he registered my chosen domain and I found out that he registered it on Fortunately, I also have my own account on godaddy because I also have my own domain registered there.

So I asked Jehzeel if he can transfer the domain name that he gave me to my own godaddy account. He agreed but he said that he can only do it after 60 days because newly registered domains needs to wait 60 days in order to be transferred. That built more doubt on me. Is he just waiting me to build the site so he can steal it the time it is already established? Maybe he's thinking that two months is just enough for someone to develop a site.

I can smell something's fishy here, I said.

Then I tried contacting's support team since I have tried and knew that their support responds so quickly, within hours actually. Cutting the story short, godaddy's support team told me that registered domain can be transferred within godaddy's accounts anytime.

I knew it, Jehzeel is lying on me. Why did he said 60 days when it can be transferred anytime.

So I forwarded the email from godaddy to Jehzeel saying that domain can be transferred within godaddy's accounts anytime.

He replied back immediately saying that he will do this as soon as he gets online. He's using he's blackberry for email.

In no time, he did actually transferred the domain on my accounts. Godaddy emailed me to confirm that someone is trying to transfer a domain to my account.

Duh, I said, I felt R-E-A-L-L-Y embarrassed to myself (and to Jehzeel secretly). So everything is real. It is really a one year free domain name.

I thanked him and said that I already received the domain name and that I don't mind the hosting because godaddy told me that web hosting cannot be transferred, as it needs to be set-up on your own account.

He emailed me back and said that the hosting is on his own space and not on godaddy.

Done! And about sa hosting, naka host ka sa akin, not sa Godaddy. So if you point your domain to at you can still access you cpanel. The one I gave you. :)

I consider this as a bonus since I am not expecting that I could still get the one year web hosting. I told myself that a one year paid domain name is enough, it's worth ten dollars, and that is something for me, especially if you'll think converting it to peso.

But then I had this thought:
"What will happen after one year?"
"Do I need to start paying him for the web hosting after that?"

Got you there, caught you red handed! I knew there was something going on here.
So that's the catch!

So I emailed him asking what will happen to the free one year web hosting after one year had lapsed.

This is my email:
Sir Jehzeel,

I got it na po.
i had already received the confirmation from godaddy.

about sa hosting, kaya pala nagtataka ako dahil wala namang cpanel ang godaddy.
ask ko lang po on what will happen on my one year free hosting when the one year ended?

thanks po sa domain,

And this is his reply:

It's free 4ever actually as long as I'm alive. But always backup ur files baka mamatay ako bigla. :) hehe

There it is, his actual reply, untouched. What stunned me here is that I read that it is free forever. I thought that everything is just for one year.

So it's one year paid domain name and a lifetime web hosting.

So here is my reply:

free as in F-R-E-E ?!!

dati crush lang kita sir Jehzeel, ngaun love na kita.
sasama nlng kita sa mga panalangin ko para humaba pa lyf mu :p


And he replied back:
Hahaha. Free as in libre. Para makatulong naman me sa kapwa bloggers habang humihinga pa me. :)

This is really an embarrassing and funny experience for me. Well, at least I made a nice story out of it.

Again, a big thanks (and apology) sir Jehzeel Laurete, basta wag kang mamamatay hanggat hindi pa ako namamatay ha, heheheee!

two thumbs up to you!
Looking forward to join your future contests again.

btw, my chosen domain is


  1. don't doubt na next time.. hehee.. :D 60 days is transfer to another registrar pala. Then if same registrar you can transfer or push to a new account instantly. Sorry for the confusion. :) Now you have full control of your domain na. :)

    The lifetime hosting is really TRUE. As long as I live. But if I do tomorrow, wala na yung hosting. Kaya please backup your files once a week or once a month. Or, as often as you can. :)

    Congratulations nhoel! :)

  2. yup, i think, i'll never again :)
    eiys.. nd2 kn ulit pinas? pasalubong!

  3. Two thumbs up talaga for Sir Jehzeel. He also gave me a .com. hehehe. still working on the new site.

  4. yup gers!
    who would thought that someone can give a free domain with a lifetime web host? i haven't even seen foreign bloggers have done that.
    Philippines is really very lucky having sir Jehzeel on blogsphere!
