Chinese Warship Refloated On Spratlys Islands

Chinese Warship Refloated On Hasa Hasa Shoal...

Chinese Warship On Spratlys Islands

Chinese ship refloatd Spratlys Islands

Chinese Frigate Refloated

A Chinese warship on Hasa Hasa Shoal that was struck had been refloated by Chinese authorities - the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said earlier today.

“We are glad to note that Chinese authorities have successfully extricated their stranded frigate from Hasa Hasa shoal and is now on its way out of our exclusive economic zone and Continental Shelf and back to China,” DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez said.

The Chinese warship was strucked on the Hasa Hasa Shoal, a part of the Spratlys Islands, last Wednesday while patrolling on the disputed waters in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

Earlier today, the Chinese embassy here in the Philippines announced that the stranded frigate was successfully refloated back at around 5 a.m. and already in its way to China. All of it's personnel were said to be safe.

"All the personnel aboard are safe. Now the preparation for return to the port is underway. No contamination has been caused in the incident area. - Chinese embassy spokesman Hua Zhang said.

Hasa Hasa shoal was called by the Chinese people as Half Moon shoal is located 60 nautical miles in the western island of Palawa, Philippines. Hasa Hasa is well within the the part of Spratlys Islands which the Chinese called Nansha and is reported to be rich in mineral deposits.

Aside from the two countries, Philippines and China, other countrys like Brunei, Malasia and Vietnam are also cliaiming the said group of islands.


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