Superbug Philippines, Singapore, India

Superbug Fear Reached Philippines, Singapore, India, etc.

superbug philippines india singapore

Superbug spread

A kind of bacteria that has the ability to survive most modern antbiotic are spreading up in many U.S. hospitals and are also threatening people outisde the USA, reports said.

there has been 35 states had been affected by the new strain of bacteria. The drug-resistant bacteria is said to have been evolved and mutated in the state that it resists itself from common drugs that can previously killed it.

Experts said that the bacteria are equipped with a kind of gene that enables them to produce its own enzymes that enable it to deflect antibiotics. The enzymes produced is called Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenamase, or KPC.

What makes it worst is that the desease is said to be contigous.

The alarming news had reached countries like India, Taiwan, China, Philippines, Singapore and many more.

Fear that it could reach local shorelines scares local authorities.

Philippine DOH National Epidemiology Center director Dr. Eric Tayag said the health department of the country is now coordinating with the World Health Organization (WHO) about fears of the Superbug spread.


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