The Art Of Commenting

blog comment
Do you harness traffic from your comments on others’ blogs?

Surfers post comments for two reasons, they want to give their opinion or they want to post a backlink. Either way, people leave comments to grab attention, expecting that the author would at least read their comments. But nowadays, comments are intentionally addressed for everybody who happens to attend the same post. Everyone will see it so it’s very important to dress it up with something shiny, or whatever that would grab attention.

Whether you’re plainly giving a reaction to a post or just trying to create a backlink, there’s one thing you must understand to create an effective comment. Let’s begin.

Be Approve-Able

This is where everything starts, create something that the blog owner wants to get displayed on his blog. Be approvable, because if you don’t, then what’s the point?

Commenting On Popular Blogs

One big challenge to a blogger is to create comments on popular blogs. “Commenting on popular blogs? Where’s the challenge, and what’s the difference?” you may say. But you know, popular blogs are expectedly to have 30 or more comments on them for each posts, in which 10 I believe is already a crowded spot.

One thing for sure, you need to create a comment on that popular blog for the sake of backlink, that’s easy, but getting attention is another thing. The chance of your comments being notice on these kind of blogs decreases because surfer’s eyes will just aimed to scan these 30+ comments and if your comment was just-another-wordpress-comments kind of thing, then yours will just be passed-by just like other regular unappealing comments spamming that post.

So how to get my comments noticeable?

For popular blogs, you should furnish your comments with an all-caps letters. “But wasn’t that too much? Would I look like pathetic by doing that?” you may say. But do not be shy for doing these, remember that you are trying to be noticeable here, and you wouldn’t want your comment to appear like everybody else’s. Until wordpress creators let us create red-texted comments with bold-underline on it, we will use caps lock okay?

Create Your Signature

No, signature file wasn’t just only for forum. I say that comments must also have signature on them. I always use “–Nhoel of” . So in any case the other surfers found my comment appealing, I'm giving them the obvious opportunity to know me better by using my very handy signature link. Now you got two links, the standard website field link and your signature link, and you just got one step ahead.

Note: Most spam filter plugins treat your comment as spam if your comment has three or more link on it so don’t overdo this.

Avoid Long Comments

My initial reaction when I see long article posts is “Do I really need to read all these to get the information I need?”. Well, that’s for an article, how much more for a comment. Comment need not to be long, just compose one to two juicy-slash-intelligent sentence and it should be enough to be notice.

Reinvent Your “Website” Field Entry

Are you just putting your homepage on your website field entry whenever you’re creating a comment? You should know that you can put an specific post on it to create a one plus point on your backlink. Remember that you already have your homepage’s backlink on your signature entry on the comment’s body, so having a more specific address is what you want for this.

This trick has a pros and cons though, let’s discuss further:

Advantage: You will reduce your bounce rate, because your visitors should click your “Home” link since they just got entered from a specific post. Plus of course you had just created two different backlink on that one comment, search engines treat this as a separate entity (dofollow), and that’s two birds in one stone.

Disadvantage: If your comment didn’t labeled as “waiting for approval”, then try again by just doing the traditional homepage link. If you see “waiting for approval”, then the blog owner didn’t allow you to do that. There are few sites like this, so this is still something you should do.

Always Mention The Blog Owner’s Name

The most important thing is to get approved right? Meaning you must first get the blog owners nod before anybody else’s. You can get your chance being approved tenfold if you at least mention the blogmaster’s name. A simple “Thanks Derek” or anything more appropriate will do the trick.

Never Spam

So how do we define a comment spam? Comment spams are any comments that appeared to be created for the sake of having a backlink. Your fellow commentators wouldn’t follow it, much more the blog owner will approve it.

Watch Out For Misspellings

Our aim is to catch attention, having misspelled words and grammar errors wouldn’t give us that. You should review your comments just like you review your posts. Most blogs never allow you to edit your comments once sent, so watch out.

These are some few tips on creating comment, let’s see if you just learned something.


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