Jejemon | What Is Jejemon | Jejemon Explained

Jejemon Phenomena Had Hit Philippines

Jejemon term is starting to spread here on the Philippines. Some like it, some hate it. But what is jejemon? Is it a term for a particular practice or a term used on some group of people?

Jejemon is usually used as a practice or to a person doing it . Jejemon usually appears on text forms.

Here’s an example of a jejemon:
"e0wSsZz pOwhhZzmUsZtAhH nUah pOwhHzz kEowHsz?"

Jejemon here in the Philippines is a hot discussion actively happening on facebook pages. As I have said, some love doing it, some hate seeing it as they refer it as a form of being jologs, baduy and awkward. Some simply don’t want it for readability reason.

Some said that jejemon rised because of unlimited text services on the country, “Nauso lang naman ang jejemon dahil sa unlimited texting, try niong magpaka-jejemon ng walang unli”.

Here’s some screenshot of a hot discussion about jejemon:

jejemon fever
jejemon phenomena
jejemon group


  1. i wnt 2 learn about jejemon...

  2. you know what? you may already be a jejemon without knowing it...
    one example of this is that if you have used 'ello', 'kiz', 'labya', 'muzta' and the likes.
    Then you're a jejemon a long time ago.
