Google Spiders Overview

How Google Index Websites

Google Saves Websites Data

google spider
To date, Google is the most widely known, widely used and widely respected search engine on the web. Google had indexed so many website than any of its competitors. Though Google has sponsored link results, it gives real link on websites according to the search query used by the visitors, unlike other search engines who were reported to be bias since their search results were mixed by commercial website that sponsored them. Google on the other hand shows sponsored links on a separate area and the real result was displayed on the main window in rank basis.

Google has been so reliable and popular that it is interchangeably used instead of the term “search”. Hence, the phrase “Search it!” had become more understandable and more meaningful if “Google it!” was used.

Are you wondering how Google became so reliable and popular?

The real detail is so technical and would be boring, so I’ll just use common words to discuss it, but first let me introduce to you the term “Google Dance”.

You need fist to understand that Google needs to index all websites on the net. Indexing is the process of Google reading all text content of each single websites, and after reading them, Google’s engine will then save this information on its database for later use.

So how do Google do this, and how often it does indexing?

Google had more than ten thousand of servers on different locations. These servers work hand in hand in crawling the internet and collect all the text information it can get. In this process, Google’s engine will add new entries for newly found websites and delete entries of websites that had gone online. After the whole process, these servers will then upload the new index result to Google does this indexing process 10 times a year, calculating, that’s every 36 days. This process of changing index entries had later been coined to be the “Google Dance”.

But that was before. To date, it was reported that Google does this every week, mostly on Monday. Meaning that this has become an ongoing process for Google’s search engines. That is why users can see various results from time to time.

This greatly benefits users, however this creates an unending panic to most webmasters. If a search engine will update its index in continuous pattern, each websites rankings could vary anytime. Meaning that if a web owner holds the top rank, he don’t have the assurance of staying at that level unless he do something that would make him stay on the top.

And since all webmasters fight to be on the top rank, it then became an unending and continuous battle among web owners.

Google is the most advance search engine available on the web up to this day, giving logical and reliable results. The very reason why Google earned the respect of the average users, webmasters, experts and even critics online and offline.

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