Earth Hour - March 31, 2012

Today is the Earth Hour, do you know that you can participate to this worldwide event?

Earth Hour 2012, Time Schedule

earth hour 2012 time schedule

Earth Hour, Switch Off Lights

This year's Earth Hour is today, March 31, 2012. All of us is invited to join the cause by swithing off our lights for one hour, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m..

The Earth Hour is the biggest environmental awareness campaign that was participated by individuals, businesses, governments and communities worldwide. Last year's statistics was composed of two billion people from one hundred thrity five (135) countries.

Philippines had ranked first worldwide in the number of towns and cities that participated. That was after two years of participating which was started way back 2008.

With that statistics, it is very clear that the Filipinos is very much aware on taking care of the mother nature. That is why we are expecting that the participants for this year would exceed the numbers from last year.

The requirements is to turn off the lights only, since it is the most visible sign that a person is participating, but of course - base on the goal, if you can turn-off other appliances too within that hour, then it will be better.

The actual Earth Hour campaign, the turning off of the lights is only happen for one hour, but of course - we must be reminded that this awareness drive invites us to make this a habit. That is to minimize our electric consumption for the whole year that would greatly make this planet a better place to live in.

Again, Earth Hour time schedule is 8:30 to 9:30 in the evening!


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