Miriam Santiago Barred Priest Arevalo Back

Senator Miriam Santiago fought back to a Cathoolic Priest and said that THERE IS NO HELL...

Miriam Defensor Santiago Made A Kicked Back To Priest Catalino Arevalo

Miriam Santiago Arevalo Hell

Miriam Defensor Santiago Answered Back Catholic Priest Arevalo

This is something very uncommon - Miriam Defensor Santiago is on the defense.

Yup, you heard it right, the feasty senator did really made a defense this time.

Just in case you are not updated, a Catholic priest, Fr. Catalino Arevalo, just recently made a public statement that a certain senator is "worthy of the fires of hell" because she called someone a "fool".

“If you call anybody ‘you fool,’ you are worthy of the fires of hell. And she called them gago, which is Filipino for fool, before millions of people,” -said the priest.

Going on the record, Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago just recently called a prosecution lawyer "gago" or "fool" in English language.

And here is the defense.

Miriam Santiago had said that "There is no hell" and she is inviting the Catholic priest to debate her on the existence of hell making the teaching from the Vatican as their basis.

“there is no hell; but even if there is, there is nobody there.” - said the lady senator.

Senator Santiago added that hell is not a physical geographical place but just a “metaphor” used by the Scriptures to imply the condition of a man’s distance from God.

“Under Vatican 2, the story of Genesis is no longer a historical accepted fact but a plain myth. The Bible should not be read literally, but should be read in its Aramaic context.

Read the previous article on this:
Miriam Santiago Is 'Worthy of the Fires of Hell' -Priest Arevalo


  1. Miriam is the hell of fire herself.

  2. disappointed with Miriam tsk2
