Miriam Santiago Is 'Worthy of the Fires of Hell' -Priest Arevalo

Catholic priest said that Senator Santiago is 'Worthy of the Fires of Hell'...

Miriam Santiago Is 'Worthy of the Fires of Hell' Said Priest Arevalo

Miriam Santiago Hell

Priest Condemned Miriam Santiago

When she's walking everybody would have give her way - but not to a Catholic Priest, Fr. Catalino Arevalo.

Known as the spiritual adviser of Philippine previous president - Corazon C. Aquino, Fr. Arevalo being much aware on politics had hit one of politic's most loose mouth - Senator Miriam Santiago.

Catholic Priest Catalino Arevalo had said on an interview in the form of a blind item, blind item because he did not mentioned any name directly but the clues that he said points to the lady senator.

Fr. Catalino Arevalo said that she's “worthy of the fires of hell.”

“If you call anybody ‘you fool,’ you are worthy of the fires of hell. And she called them gago, which is Filipino for fool, before millions of people,” - said the Catholic priest.

Washing his own hands, the Catholic priest said that the "Hell" issue did not came from him and that it was the Christ himself who said that.

“Well, that was before millions of people. So she is, in conscience, bound to make a formal apology before millions of people if God will forgive her. That’s the teaching of Jesus. You don’t do that, and if you do that, you have to retract it by making a formal apology before millions of people, otherwise you remain worthy of the fires of hell,” the priest told the Philippine Daily Inquirer on an interview.

Miriam Santiago had answered the comment by saying that she doesn't owe anyone an apology. “They want me to change my personality. Hindi na possible ‘yan because I was born this way eh,” - the senator said.

She did not made any hot words for the priest.


  1. In the face of injustices and lies, the moral ground is to condemn it by action; if you cannot, you must condemn it by word; and if you still cannot, you must condemn it in your heart. Thus, I condemn Senator Santiago's behavior, not her person but her actuations, LEST I be contaminated by her callousness and misdemeanor. Those of her kind deserve the same. Let us pray that we have more Christians like Fr. Arevalo who exercise their prophetic mission in this age and time, and who refuse to be intimidated by the likes of the lady senator.

  2. Ano ba naman Fr. Arevalo! You're a priest for Heaven's sake! Who are you to judge?! Ang tanda-tanda mo na, wala ka pa ring kinatatandaan! Only God Himself can judge. I'm not on anyone's side on this issue, but my goodness! Who gave you the right to judge? Remember, judge not lest ye be judged yourself.
