Mon Tulfo New Youtube Video

A new video of the controversial airport brawl between Mon Tulfo and Raymart Santiago, Claudine Barretto has been released, watch the...

Mon Tulfo part 2 New Video

New Youtube Video Surfaces, Mon Tulfo

Mon Tulfo Part 2 Video

A new video has been released online and was uploaded via youtube that shows Mon Tulfo being hit again by Raymart Santiago and Claudine Barretto.

The guy on pink dress from the original video, the one who really hurt Mon Tulfo is the one who made a physical offense on Mon, again.

Nitizens online said that the name of the pink guy is EDUARDO ATILANO, though it is still something to be verified.

This new uploaded video had again reviving the issue on who's really the victim as words from the two camp had continuing to dispel the other's claim.

The two camps really have an absolute contrast version, that is why it is very hard to really tell who started the controversial airport brawl. But one thing is clear, the new video again shows that it is Santiago's camp who made all the offense.

The new video is a scene after the fight, but it still appears that Mon Tulfo is the victim after the pink guy made batok on him.

Is there still another video sequence for this drama?

We just hope that the most complete video would be release soon.

1 comment :

  1. kapal tlg ng mg asawa n yn hnd n nhiya cla p ang naunang mng umpisa ng away tapos binaligtad p ang ngyari mga hayop yng mg asawa n yn cno ngayon ang ng umpisa ng away db cl claudine bkt kamo dhl b artista cla pwde n gwin ang lht kapal tlg
