TechPinas Gadget Bonanza Blackberry Contest

No SEO-ing on this post, this is my official entry for contest...
"This is my official entry to Gadget Bonanza BlackBerry Power Pair Edition"

They said that the purpose of life is knowing its purpose.

That being said, it is but necessary that everything that surrounds you should contribute for that quest - to be a person fulfilling your life’s purpose. And having a full functioning smart devices, one of the basic necessity for a busy life nowadays is an important tool to keep everything in track.

Come the Blackberry gadgets.

First, blackberry is known on its commitment to data security with its ever evolving security tool sets and encryption algorithm. Since user has becoming more sensitive in protecting their important pieces of information, people from RIM had specifically addressed this concern and had given businesses with peace in mind. Various security approvals and certifications are the testimonies for this, see here.
For an average person who just needs a layman’s term, Blackberry encrypts your information when sent and will only be decrypted when it arrived on the receiver’s device. This means that even if your sent information got caught on air, your data will not be compromised.

A device that gives you an absolute peace of mind.

But the RIM dudes do not stop there. They know that if they want to deliver a product that a person on 21’st century can find useful, they should create more than that, and the good news is... they did.

Useful applications from utility to networking apps are actively used by Blackberry users. Browsing social networking sites via useful social networking apps is indeed one of the major task of these BB gadgets, but along with these, users are also packed with productivity apps that let you accomplish your tasks in a breeze.

With Blackberry, apps is offered to you to accomplish things and not to flood you with spam-bloatwares all intended just to make sales.

The RIM people said, if you need it - BB had it !
It’s really a great thing that RIM made an effort to reach our country because BB targets the serious-security-hard-core business individuals as well as the techie-aware Pinoy youngsters.

In conclusion, BB’s advantage doesn’t just rely on the physical keypad it had, not it’s popular BBM, not its Push Email technology, not its observable longer battery life, not on its solid security features, not because it’s used by high-profiled politicians, celebrities and corporate individuals, etc... But because Blackberry logo is a lot cooler than Apple’s and Android’s - yup, that’s just it - enough said , case closed !
And above all of these great functionalities, you know what? Coincidentally you can send sms and make a call using BB too!


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