Shalani Soledad & Roman Romulo Engaged

Shalani Soledad and Roman Romulo Now Engaged

roman romulo shalani soledad congressman engagement

Engagement Of Shalani Soledad and Roman Romulo

We had blogged this before when the news that the Valenzuela City councilor and Pasig City representative Congressman Roman Romulo was still plain dating as according to the report, [see Shalani Soledad Dates Roman Romulo.]

But now, a confirmed report said that Shalani Soledad and Congreesan Roman Romulo were engaged to be married. Well, now we can tell that everything is official as it was affirmed from the horse's mouth as the Pasig City representative had confirmed the report himself.

"That was an engagement ring. I asked her to marry me a week ago," said Roman Romulo when asked if he have something to do with the diamond ring that Soledad was seen wearing.

Congressman Roman Romulo said that him and Shalani Soledad are planning to get married next year, probably on the first half.

Pasig City representative, congressman Roma Romulo said further on an interview that he proposed to Shalani Soledad on a church, at Our Lady of Fatima church in Valenzuela City specifically.

Shalani Soledad is now 31 and Roman Romulo is on his 44 when the two had agreed to get married. "I am very happy," Romulo told on a media interview.

It was further revealed that congressman Romulo had already asked for Shalani's hand from her mother Evelyn three weeks ago where Shalani's mother reportedly to have said "I admire the courage and honor of Rep. Roman Romulo in seeking me out and telling me his intentions with my daughter Shalani." Now wasn't that a point for the congressman from his fiancée family?

The engagement news surfaces as public saw Shalani Soledad wearing the engagement ring.

We, the team wants to congratulate the two for their upcoming wedding, best wishes!

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said on media that the president did not know that his ex-girlfriend, Shalani Soledad was already engaged to Pasig City representative Roman Romulo, not until Romulo told the news to him last night, Wednesday night.

The president's reaction?

Well, according to presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, persident Noynoy Aquino "simply smile" when he heard the news and then they both went on to their usual business.


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