CS Civil Service Exam Results - May 2012

Civil Service passers' list for May 27, 2012 examination...

Civil Service Exam Results For May 27, 2012

CS Civil Service Results, May 2012

The Civil Service Examination (Career Service Exam Paper and Pencil Test or CSE-PPT) exam result had been released by the Civil Service Commission.

CS Exam held last May 27, 2012.

Civil Service Commission Advisory:
The Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) which you obtained for passing the Career Service Examination-Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT) may be secured from the CSC Regional Office (CSCRO) which has jurisdiction over the test center where you took the CSE-PPT. The Directory is listed at the website link excell.csc.gov.ph/cscweb/dir_ro.html. Kindly inquire from the CSCRO concerned the date and the manner by which you can claim your CoE.

Please browse the passers' list per region:

Region 1, click here...
Region 2, click here...
Region 3, click here...
Region 4, click here...
Region 5, click here...
Region 6, click here...
Region 7, click here...
Region 8, click here...
Region 9, click here...
Region 10, click here...
Region 11, click here...
Region 12, click here...
NCR Prof (A-F), click here...
CR Prof (G-O), click here...
NCR Prof (P-Z), click here...
NCR Sub Prof, click here...
CAR, click here...
CARAGA, click here...
ARMM, click here...

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The whole keywordspeak.com team wants to congratulate the passers!

1 comment :

  1. I passed the civil service exam held last may 27, just wanted to know where to claim my COE, I am from Lipa City Batangas...thanks
