BPA And Water Bottles

BPA And Water Bottles

water bottles bpa

BPA And Plastic Water Bottles

When the result of researches has been made public about the ill effects of plastic bottled water, consumers became worry. The research said that bottled water on a plastic container contains BPA - an estrogen-mimicking pollutant that is harmful to the human body, especially when it accumulated for years of using plastic bottled water.

This BPA pollutant has been linked to birth defects, brain and nervous system disfunction, reproductive abnormalities and even some kinds of cancer.

According to initial studies, BPA on bottled water (plastic) came from an epoxy-resin lining which is an ingredient for producing plastic bottles that would later contain water.

The fear of BPA contained on a plastic bottled water amde sensitive consumers to switch to the aluminum containers for their water consumption. However a new study published in the journal Chemosphere found out that aluminum water bottles are not actually a BPA - free solution.

The researcers found out that the aluminum bottled water released up to five times the amount of BPA than the plastic bottled water does. They stored ultra-pure water in several different kinds of containers in five days and saw that more amount of BPA contained water was present on the aluminum containers.

An associate professor of pharmacology and cell biophysics at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, Scott M. Belcher, PhD told that most aluminum bottled water's claimed of "BPA-Free" is used for marketing purposes. “It’s been used for marketing purposes. If you pick up an aluminum bottle from your super-cheap discount retailer, you can’t be so sure what’s in it. Especially aluminum, because they do require a lining of some sort.” said Dr. Belcher.

However, a study did confirmed that most bottles that has a label of "BPA-Free" on their packaging is really BPA - free. It also shows that uncoated stainless steel bottles are also BPA free.

However, the term "BPA-free" has not yet officially defined, so consumer's best move is to trust the company's claim to be really BPA free.


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