Chief Justice Renato Corona's Impeachment

Chief Justice Renato Corona had been impeached on the House of Representative, will the senate impeach him too? Read the full news here...

Chief Justice Renato Corona Was Impeached On The Lower House

Chief Justice Renato Corona Impeachment

Renato Corona Got Impeached On The House Of Representative

Most of us saw this coming. Just like the saying said "If you can't kick them, impeach them!" -err or did we say it wrong?

Chief Justice Renato Corona got impeached on the house of representative earlier this night on the meeting of congressmen on the lower house. According to history, Chief Justice Renato Corona is the first head of Philippine judiciary system that has been impeached.

Impeachment is a formal and legal process wherein an appointed official or seated by the people (still depends on each country) be remove from the office (can also includes other punishments) due to unlawful activities.

An overwhelming 188 congressmen had signed the impeachment complain be submitted on the senate accusing Renato Corona of betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.

After the House caucus earlier today, December 12, 2011, the plenary ordered the House secretary-General, Marilyn B. Barua-Yap, to electronically endorse the signed impeachment complain to the Senate. The senate will then hold the impeachment trial against Corona next year, wherein date is still to be set.

According to House Justice Committee Chairman Niel Tupas, they ahd been working on to impeach Corona since last year in which the draft of the impeachment was finalized just last week after some members of the House justice committee came in hand.

"We thought we'd [only] get 100, but we got 188 [signatures]," Corona said on an interview with ANC.

Some of the notable grounds of the impeachment complain were Chief Justice Renato Corona's failure to file his Statement of Assets and Liabilities and NetWorth and the appointment of his wife to a government owned corporation. The complain said that he personally appointed his own wife despite it being illegal.

Tupas further stressed that they have a very strong case against the Chief Justice. "These are serious, very serious allegations against the Chief Justice," - "We believe we have a very, very strong case against the Chief Justice." -he added.

Tupas also denied the allegations that the MalacaƱang had threatened to hold back the pork barrel of anyone that would not sign the impeachment complain. He said that no blackmailing exists and those who signed realistically believed on the impeachment grounds.

Will Chief Justice Renato Corona prepared to enjure the trial knowing that his life, both professional and personal will be dug before the whole country?
Or will it be better for everyone, especially for him if he will just simply resign?

Well, this is a news that we will monitor.

Meanwhile, the video below shows Speaker Sonny Belmonte signs the Corona impeachment complaint and said "It's historic".

More updates will be posted after this line.

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