Valerie Concepcion Tweeted PNoy Is Partying During Bagyong Sendong

Valerie Concepcion got negative reaction after confirming on her twitter account that President Aquino is on the Party with her as Bagyong Sendong killed more than 600 lives on Mindanao, read full story here...

Valerie Concepcion Tweeted - President PNoy Aquino Is On Party During Bagyong Sendong

Valerie Concepcion Twitter tweet party President pnoy Aquino

Valerie Concepcion Confirmed PNoy Is On Christmas Party

Valerie Concepcion is on hot seat after she revealed that the Philippine president, President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III is on party while Bagyong Sendong is lambasting the sourthern and central Mindanao that claimed more than 600 lives.

The news that President PNoy is partying while lives are dying had been critisized by many Filipinos, and Valerie Concepcion confirming it had became like a wound rubbed by a salt.

The Presidential Security Group (PSG) had their christmas party last Sunday with their spouses and childrens where she was invited to perform.

Valerie Concepcion had this message on her official twitter account.

“Done w/ work.. Tnx for having me.. It was nice to see Pres. P-Noy laughing at my jokes & enjoying my performance..ü #Malacañang #PSGNight”

Though the actual tweet had already been deleted by Concepcion, but nitizens are vigilant enough to capture it, and so it spread like wildfire online that has been also shared with various networking sites.

The said tweet as expected had gathered negative comments from nitizens condemning the president to have been on a party while people are trying to save their lives where many had failed.

After Valerie deleted her controversial tweet, she posted this new message.

"I do not see anything wrong with that since its his obligation and responsibility being the head of Malacañang to be present and show his support for his hardworking employees and their respective families. But I believe that it doesn’t mean that the president is not thinking of ways to help our kababayan(s) in Mindanao. It doesn’t mean that the president is disregarding the plight of our fellow Filipinos"

Her next message appealed to people not to judge the president and apologized to all those she may have offended.

"Let’s not be too quick to judge. But if I, in any way, offended you guys and sounded insensitive, I am very sorry. It wasn’t my intention to do either. I can’t imagine how difficult life is for the people affected in Mindanao and how difficult it is to be the president of the Philippines at this moment. Once again, I am very sorry for all those people I have offended. May God bless us all"

Presidential Communication Development and Strategic Planning Office head Ricky Carandang had admitted that President Aquino is indeed dropped on the christmas party for a few minutes. Carandang also added that the party was supposed to be cancelled due to Bagyong Sendong but was decided to push through since the family members of the PSG had already travelled to Manila for the party.


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