Welcome To Techbuko.com!

I just want to announce my newest blog - techbuko.com.

Techbuko.com is a technology blog intended to give tech news for my Filipinos kababayans.

Would this be another technology blog that would die after some time?

Well, first of all, I already had a blog site before that had died, it was techhabit.com. I abandoned the blog because I had realized that I cannot commit to write regularly, last time I checked, the domain was bought and was on auction for $7K.

I had learned many lesson from my past tech blog. First, you must not aim to earn from it immediately. I believe that it was the main reason why I let it go, and that's because my goal wasn't realistic.

Since I lost a tech blog, I felt guilty to myself because deep inside me tells that I need to have a tech blog, simply because it's me --- period.

Am I aiming to override the authority tech blog sites on the country?

Answer - Yes! Anyone who will say no to that question is stupid. But I believe that I still have a very long way to go. They've been here for years and I think that it needs years and years to at least be noticed. It may be a far journey, but if I keep walking, I believe that I'll get there too.

But my goal is actually to co-exists with them, it will be a lonely world if you're alone - and I don't like that.

Techbuko.com is a result of my playful mind. Here I will make posts with less SEO in mind - I'll write for human first, the rest will only come after that.

This will serve as my peg to mark the start of my second tech blog.

Crossing fingers here, wish me luck.


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