Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Neck Surgical Operation

Neck Surgery Operation of GMA

gloria macapagal arroyo neck surgery operation

GMA - Neck Surgical Operation

Earlier today, the former president and now Pampanga congresswoman Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is recuperating from an estimated five-hours surgery operation on her neck. The neck operation realigns a portion of her upper spinal column that was causing pressure on the nerves that affects the movement of her upper limbs.

Dr. Juliet Gopez-Cervantes, Arroyo's main attending physician said last Thursday that the surgery was scheduled today, Friday, at seven in the morning and it could take about five hours.

Dr. Juliet Gopez-Cervantes said that the surgical operation is vital as doctors have diagnosed Arroyo as suffering from "multi-level cervical spondylosis" that causes her recurring neck pains. It was neglected before but due to aging, intense physical and phsycological pressures, the symptoms hightens that made the operation inevitable. site explains:

To an extent, we all develop a degree of degeneration in the vertebrae and discs as we become older. As the 'discs' degenerate, over many years they become thinner. Sometimes the adjacent vertebrae develop small, rough areas of bone on their edges. The nearby muscles, ligaments, and nerves may become irritated by these degenerative changes which can cause troublesome symptoms.

Currently, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, GMA, is facing multiple cases (plunder, election fraud, etc.) filed by his political opponents fueled with witnesses.

Malacanang on Tuesday said and urge Filipino to pray for the successful operation of the former Philippine president.

"We would wish the Representative Arroyo well. We hope that you will have a successful surgery and we ask the people to pray for her," Edwin Lacierda, the presidential spokesperson said on a press release.

However, the complainants said that they will not impose any halt on pushing the cases against her.

Anti - Gloria said that the surgical operation is one of the tactics of the smart Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to divert the real issues she is facing. And that she is like "agaw eksena" as she was rushed on the hospital right after the SONA of the current president.

Just when you thought that July 25 will highlight President Noynoy Aquino alone, well... you're wrong. Gloria indeed did stole the camera from the president after being rushed at the hospital.

She did not attend the State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III at the House of Representatives on Monday afternoon, where she as Pampanga's representative should have attended.

It can be recalled that Arroyo was hospitalised at St. Luke for recurring neck pain. The next days, the former president was seen to have benn wearing a neck brace.

For now, keywordspeak dot com team wants the former Philippine president to get well as soon as possible. About the case she is facing, well that is another story we all should resolve.


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