Grace Lee Resigned From Her Radio Show

Did Grace Lee resigned from her radio show because of the growing eyes and ears that has been monitoring her? Grace Lee said...

Grace Lee Letter To DJ Mo Twister About Her Resigning On The Radio Show

Grace Lee Resigns Radio show

Grace Lee Resigned On Her Job

Let's do the usual thing today - let's talk about Grace Lee. We are pretty sure that we do not need detailed introductions here but jsut in case you're living in a cave this past few months, Grace Lee is a Korean girl who is also a television and radio personality, and the hottest trending girl that has been linking to the Philippine president.

Grace Lee has been trending again online, but the news is not because of another romantic issue connecting to President Aquino. It appeared that Grace Lee had resigned to her morning show on radio station Magic 89.9 earlier today, March 8, 2012.

The beautiful Korean confirmed this news in a series of tweets, one of her posts directly said that she intends to formally say goodbye to the followers of the show "Good Times".

Magic 89.9 station manager, Andrew Santiago, had confirmed the news in an interview to an entertainment website.

Santiago however has assured the fans that Grace is not leaving the station totally. He said that they are now conceptualizing a new show for Lee, one that he described as "more decent and safe".

Santiago had repelled allegations that Lee's decision of leaving the show because of the issue between Lee and the resigned "Good Times" host Angelika "Angelicopter" schmeing-Cruz.

The station manager however had not denied that the resigning thing is related to the pressure made by Grace Lee's sudden popularity after being connected to President Benigno PNoy Noynoy Aquino III.

One the side note, a letter has been circulating online in which said that the letter was Grace Lee's written for Mo Twister. This letter was not yet verified if it's really Lee's.

Here is the letter.

Hi Mo,
Composed a long email and found out my dog chewed on our internet cable. Hay. Well, I have been contemplating this for quite some time and with the recent happenings in my life I guess it just fast-tracked my decision-making. As you already know the past month has been really stressful and emotionally I have been struggling. I realized the our show requires me to be who I am; but lately it's been difficult when everyone wants to twist or put malice into things that I would normally say. I admit I have been extra sensitive to things and I know you can sense it and so can the listeners. I have realized that at this point in time I'm not capable of handling the format of our morning show. The show has given me a wonderful, fun four years; but I believe the time has come for me to exit. I hope you understand and rest-assured I will always be indebted to this show you pioneered. I will talk to the management regarding my decision and on Thursday drop by the show to properly say goodbye to our listeners. Thank you again Mo for making everything possible this show has changed my life.
- Grace Lee, March 6, 2012 12:17 a.m.


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