Uganda Prime Minister's Response To Kony 2012, Video

Uganda's prime minister responded on the Kony 2012 campaign...

Kony 2012, Uganda Prime Minister's Video Response

Uganda Prime Minister response kony 2012

Kony 2012, Invisible Children

Uganda Prime Minster had made a video reponse regarding the Kony 2012 video campaign on popular video sharing site,

Uganda Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi even said on his youtube video response that Joseph Kony is not in Uganda. Joseph Cony is the leader of Ugandan guerrilla group, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).

The Lord's Resistance Army or LRA is said to have been recruiting minors as part of their military forces and take part to the actual terrorist attacks.

the viral video had became popular after high profile American personality had supported the campaign which includes tv personality Oprah, facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, singers Lady Gaga - Justin Bieber - Rihanna, actress ANgelina Jolie, microsoft's Bill Gates, rapper Jay-z, actor George Clooney, politicians like George Bush, Bill Clinton - this is just to name the few.

To clarify things, the Uganda's prime minister himself, Amama Mbabazi, boldly said that “Uganda is not in conflict” and “Uganda is a modern, developing country which enjoys peace, stability and security.” - he further added.

Mbabazi stressed that the viral video KONY 2012 campaign does not reporesent the current situation in his country.

They have been attacked online, so the prime minister also used several online tools to dispell the KONY 2012 campaign.

On Mbabazi twitter account, he said tweeted 20 celebrities including Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Rihanna an invitation to visit his country, he used hashtag #KonyisntinUganda.

“As PM of Uganda, I appreciate your interest and invite you to visit. We have peace, stability and great people” - the prime minister clarified on twitter.


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