Google +1 Button Review

Google +1 Button, Personal Review

google +1 button review

Google +1 Button Review, Personal Experience

As soon as the Google +1 button became available for webmasters, I immediately added it on this blog. The code is to straightforward and simple, so I grabbed it and paste it on my pages.

They said that it is good for SEO, and I personally think that it should really is. It is the answer of Google to facebook likes and recommend buttons. Sure Google is listening to third party applications like facebook likes and tweet this buttons on its ranking alogarithm, but having their own Google +1 button is surely a valid thing for SEO.

Google said that they are listening to about 200 signals in ranking websites, and at least I know that one of it is their Google +1 button. Now I only need to hunt the other 199.

The best thing is, just like the fb like and tweet this button, you can plus-one your own articles too.

One major bug of this is that if you place a google +1 button besides the titles of each article on the homepage, and if someone clicks on it, the count does not recognized by the other +1 button that will only appear when you see the whole article.

The thing is, if you put two buttons on the single article post, the other button can't recognize your click on the other button. Webmasters do this especially if they want to use two different button sizes, one small +1 button besides the title post and one bigger button at the end of the article - besides the fb like button.

This major bug should be solved by Google immediately, but anyway, overall, it's a nice button to have. But I think I am entitled for the bounty somehow, give me $5K Google so I can resign my office job and get full time on blogging. Naah, just kidding, just keep me on the ad program =)

Try it, Google +1 this article =)


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