Science Behind Dirk Nowitzki’s Unblockable Fadeaway Shot

The Science Behind Dirk Nowitzki’s Unblockable Fadeaway Shot

dirk nowitzki jump away shot

Dirk Nowitzki’s Fadeaway Shot - Unblockable Said Science

Yup, it is Dallas Mavericks' who rose to the 2010-2011 NBA season. The star player of the wining team is the thirty four years old, German born, Dirk Nowitzki.

ESPN sports science's John Brenkus detailed on how Dirk Nowitzki's unique fadeaway shot is too much to defend with.

Below is the video and the transcription.

At seven feet tall, with nearly thirty five inch long arms, at the a-text of twelve inch hop, Dirk's release point is typically nine and a half feet above the court, in game two, this text book form was on display with the three pointer that put Dallas up with twenty seven seconds to play.

"Dallas goes up by three"

And when Dirk is on his sweet spot, from fifteen to nineteen feet from the hoop, his unique feet away jumper is visually indifensable, here's why. To create initial separation, Drik steps back with his left leg, and in less than three-tenths of the second, brings up his right knee, to keep his defender at bay. As Dirk jumps, he angle his torsoe approximately twenty degrees back, creating roughly two and a half feet more separation between the ball and the defender.

When Dirk got a shot off, from over nine feet up, with only four feet of separation, and a fifty degrees release angle, all you can do is hoep he misses.

And here's why Dirk's fadeaway is virtually unblockable. If you were as tall as Yao Ming, with the vertical --- of Derek Roads and jumps straight up just four feet away from where Dirk release the shot, you'd still couldn't get a hand of the ball.

For ESPN sports science, I am John Brenkus.

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